Sunday 20 November 2011


Here I am modeling my new mask, so much of the clean lungs and no paint in the nose holes. Unfortunately only comes in this fetching shade of blue, which would not be my first choice. Normally I have one of the little white masks and I spray like mad while half holding my breath then run out the of the room.

Masked off and taped up Scott's side of the board so no overspray, was difficult as the air is full of moisture from all the rain so tape was not being very co-operative. Stick, bloody heck Stick!!

Here is my rough paper template, going to use it to mask off areas while I'm spraying. Vinyls pull the paint off so can't use them for this. Will project the linework and detail later, this is to get the shapes for the flat coats of colour. 21 A4's tiled by hand, still get distortion but not as crazy as the distortion that comes when the projector heats up. But it is a guide only so no worries.

Undercoat of bluebird blue is done. Have done the colour the heaviest at the top as it will be the only part that is staying blue. The rest of the blue will be covered by white, red and a peachy pink, will distress some areas and also leave overlap where blue will show through.

Next step was to cut away Signor Beluga, so I could mask the blue to spray the white. The evil tape is still like limp lettuce and took many minutes of sweaty attempts to get it to stick in the most lacklustre way.  Hoping for a bit of mis-register/overspray anyway so not too stressed about it.

So the bits that you see that are blue will be white once it has had it's coats of white. Will tidy everything up with the linework which is the part that really pulls it all together but gives me palpitations.

This needs to be a stop motion animation then you wouldn't have to scroll down so much. Signor B has been coated, now I will stick the paper version of him over the white and cut away myself.

Here I am all cut away and nekkid.

Ready to spray the peachiness, will use a combo of pink primer, flat white and broken white to give a creamy finish with a slight rosy glow.

Voila! Peachy! Last undercoat will be red. This is the most difficult colour to get flat and the one I am usually the most fussy about in terms of hue as well. First need to stick my paper body back and cut away the hair leaving the bow covered as it will be bluebird blue.

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