Wednesday, 31 July 2013


Here's a sneak peek at the first few bits of bathroom fittings going in, the brass is still super shiny, can't wait for it to tarnish (shower mixer and basin taps). Hurry up air and oxidise! The last pic. is of the tap for the trough, our lovely builder found me a nice old one which is already all tarnished.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013


So loving this song and the manic energy of the banjo.

Monday, 29 July 2013


I have been doing a river of online research on trestles for the MESSY STUDIO as we need a sturdy, rough and ready table that can be packed away - space in the MESSY STUDIO being extremely tight. We want the top to be reclaimed wood so it would be nice for the trestles to be modern and linear and out of another substance. My absolute faves so far are these by TOLIX, I followed the Google trail to ANTIQUAIRE as they apparently ship to SA, will send off an enquiry mail this morning and see if these trestles fit our teeny tiny budget.

Friday, 26 July 2013


Oooh la laaa! A top secret project I worked on for MR PRICE was launched yesterday, will keep you posted! Who is Kitty Meow?

Thursday, 25 July 2013


I still can't get enough of pegboard painted white and it cheers my heart to see someone who feels the same way. A dreamy workspace.
I made a quick spin past THE DESIGN FILES last night courtesy of a post on the lovely LUCKY PONY. I have extreme and painful envy of the home of Kim Victoria Wearne and Stuart Beer, I cannot tell a lie. It encompasses everything I have dreamt about for the MESSY STUDIO but in a larger space and with pristine style and restraint and a much bigger budget.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013


Holy crabsticks how much do I love House of Valentino's Fall/Winter collection for the Paris Haute Couture Week. Creative designers Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli referenced the Renaissance from a Cabinet of Curiosities, Wunderkammer collective, a museum of the extraordinary with taxidermy, coral lace and wrought iron detailing that looks like icing on a gothic wedding cake.
I will have one of each please and thank you.

Images mostly from FABFASHIONFIX.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


I have been collecting bits and pieces for the MESSY STUDIO for a while now and was trying to keep some of them a surprise for the final ta daaaa! But I can't resist showing you what arrived promptly yesterday morning, a beautiful - satin soft - Nguni hide from NGUNI HIDE PRODUCTS. This was the picture online and it is even better in reality. I was a little nervous because although I shop online all the time, I have never 'cold' shopped from a individual supplier (versus the behemoth Ebay, Etsy's) so I was absolutely delighted at their amazing service, on the website they advertise Free Overnight Delivery in South Africa and wham bright and early there it was. Their prices are really good value as well. We have an Nguni hide in our lounge that we bought 15 years ago, it still looks as good as it did when we bought it. They are amazing underfoot, only require a sweep once or twice a week and spills wipe off easily with a damp cloth. FYI. They do need a little airing for the first few days, just to get used to the slightly bovine smell. 
The hides are from Dumain Tannery which follows the traditional art of hand working the hides. The hides are from cattle that are slaughtered humanely for meat and by products.

Monday, 22 July 2013



I have been admiring a plant for ages, seen it all over, especially while driving, from small bushes to much larger tree like scale. I love the way it changes from a beautiful chartreuse to a vibrant orange at it's tips. Was delighted to find out that one of it's names are Sticks of Fire, it's official name being
EUPHORBIA TIRUCALLI (thank you HINGHAM NURSERY for solving my mystery plant over the phone).
I was originally going to have lavender in the MESSY STUDIO planter but thought that a combination of lavender and a hedge of Firesticks would be awesome - fragrance and colour. But in doing my research this morning have discovered that it produces a poisonous latex which is extremely toxic and irritating to the skin. With a small amateur botanist/potion maker and two dogs that eat everything absolutely cannot grow a plant that has dangerous sap.

Friday, 19 July 2013


This is my first bit of painting from my class yesterday, primed the canvas and laid out some planning in acrylics, will be starting with oils next week. Need to soften up and refine the features, not looking like the person I am painting yet but loved every second of it. Sigh.

Thursday, 18 July 2013


I am so excited I could swoon, seriously, I am starting oil painting classes today with GRACE KOTZE. As an illustrator my day to day work involves creating pieces in a layered process from hand to digital, so I don't often get a chance to do actual finished physical artworks. I am wanting to expand my techniques and realised yesterday when I went to buy supplies how far out of my comfort zone this will be. Will keep you posted as to my progress but it is going to take a while as I have much to learn. Like it's my first day at a new school in my pj's.
Grace Kotze 082 560 5045

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


Ok, so I am two years late but I adore the advertising campaign shot by
TIM WALKER for MULBERRY Fall 2011. The set designs by SHONA HEATH are insane, I love the oversized images combined with actual natural materials, those big eggs are gorgeous. Tati Cotliar and Julia Saner are the lovely models. Better late than never, huh?

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Aug/Sept ELLE DECOR SA Edition is on the shelves and it is a cracker!
A grand glam slam! Especially love/envy/admire/wanna steal the TRICKETT'S city home, this albino bokkie does my head in.

Monday, 15 July 2013


JACQUES ADNET (1901 -1984) was a French Art Deco Modernist designer and architect. His style was the epitome of luxury. In 1950 he formed a partnership with the French fashion house Hermes, where he developed a collection of leather covered accessories and furniture, one of which was a round  leather mirror with brass hinges. The mirror has wonderful attention to detail in particular that the strap is in direct proportion to the mirror's dimensions. I have my eye on the matt brass reproduction by JOHN LEWIS, for the MESSY STUDIO bathroom but they don't deliver internationally. WEYLANDTS has the canvas version but it is not as gorgeous as the brass. Anyone going to London?

Friday, 12 July 2013


MESSY STUDIO floor finished last night by spotlight, now has to cure for about seven days. Have to keep the pitter patter of furry and little human feet away.

Thursday, 11 July 2013


So you are looking at this pic and thinking, what has been done, because outwardly it doesn't seem like much has changed. BUT believe it or not this is the last big mess of the MESSY STUDIO reno, thank the stars! By the end of today the cement floor will have been laid, what you can't see is that the bathroom floor is already done. Then we have to wait 7 days for it to cure, no walking or peeking or tip toeing. Then EXTREME FLOORS & PROJECTS will be coming to polish and seal the floor, base for the Jojo and cement shelf for the trough. It is a process which leaves your cement floors more durable, non slip and natural looking, less maintenance too. In the second pic you can see how pretty the stripped wall looks, just needs a final coat or two of paint.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Thanks to HOLY KITSCH for sending me on a picture quest via their Infamy page, their accessories were used in this crazy beautiful shoot for GRAZIA during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week 2012. Images are courtesy of PREMA, photos by Justin Adler, Hair by Alan White and Dolly, Makeup Natasha Severino, Styling - Anna Plunkett and Luke Sales of ROMANCE WAS BORN.