Thursday, 31 October 2013


This gorgeous mirror is on it's way from VAMP to take up residence in the MESSY STUDIO bathroom. They are designed by Michael Dodds, have wood as a backing and retro style chrome fittings. See the rest of the range HERE.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013


I am very focused on faces, I see the shapes in paint and colour, the line of a pencil and the mark of a brush. Love the images by Martin Schoeller for the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC's 125th Anniversary edition.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013


I have wanted to do a shiny, black board for a while now and this year's little board is perfect, I already think of it as THE BLACKBIRD. I want to capture the almost there detail of feathers and that beautiful iridescent petrol/oil like sheen. My story behind the story is the sirens of the sea, the mythological harpy. "Winged Maidens, daughters of the Earth" dangerous and beautiful creatures.

Sirens combine women and birds in various ways. In early Greek art Sirens were represented as birds with large women's heads, bird feathers and scaly feet. Later, they were represented as female figures with the legs of birds, with or without wings, playing a variety of musical instruments, especially harps. The tenth century Byzantine encyclopedia Suda[17] says that from their chests up Sirens had the form of sparrows, below they were women, or, alternatively, that they were little birds with women's faces. Birds were chosen because of their beautiful voices. Later Sirens were sometimes depicted as beautiful women, whose bodies, not only their voices, are seductive. (WIKIPEDIA)

p.s as this is a mood board I have not included links for the images, the rights rest with the original owners

Monday, 28 October 2013


Had a sneak peek on Friday at my painting teacher, GRACE KOTZE's, latest work, WITHIN, which will be exhibited in Cape Town at EBONY. Such beautiful colours, emotion and marks. Did not take a pic. (because there were feet in the way) but I so loved the floor of her studio, the wood covered in paint, the signs of liberated creation at work.

Friday, 25 October 2013


ELLE DECOR USA September 2013 showcases the Parisian apartment of YVAN MISPELAERE. I am transfixed by it's weird elegance.

Thursday, 24 October 2013


A dainty darling arrived yesterday, a cheeky little board for this years WAVESCAPES Charity Auction. I am delighted, no ladders this time, a great contrast to last years beast! Will keep you posted with info on the shaper and my moodboard for her skin.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


There is something to be said by adding light to a room. Last night Victor rigged the lights in the MESSY STUDIO to test that they worked before he did the final drilling into the roof. After almost a year of blood, sweat and tears(many tears) it is almost time! It was too expensive to recreate or import a real brass bulkhead, sigh, maybe later, but we had the BATHROOM FACTORY fake one up for us.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


I have much drawing to do his week and the next, plus it's that time of the year already, our WAVESCAPES surfboard should arrive on Wednesday so I will still be posting but short and sweet!

Monday, 21 October 2013


In learning a new technique and in my everyday working reference I am discovering so many beautiful artists. I found MOISE KISLING 1891 - 1953 on Friday's tour of the interweb. His work is very LOWBROW for someone who is a contemporary of Picasso and Modigliani. Those soulful eyes.

Friday, 18 October 2013


Oh never have I anticipated the completion of something as much as the MESSY STUDIO and this last little bit seems to be stuck in some kind of weird vortex (but I am keeping the faith). We had some old switch boxes in the garage which we had stripped and brassed by THE BATHROOM FACTORY and our electrician has rewired them for the MESSY STUDIO. I love the detailing on them, they look a bit wonky because they are not properly attached yet but I wanted to show you how beautiful they came out. The last pic. is of my awesome drawers that I picked up from Martin at SOMETHING WOW yesterday, they are to store all my oil paints and brushes and as a little table top to rest my stuff on while I do my oil painting. Aren't they grand!

Thursday, 17 October 2013


It is painting today, hooray! Last week when I started my brightly coloured cacti, Grace asked me if I had seen DAVID HOCKNEY'S new work, which I had not, so when I got home I Googled him speedily. They are so A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! The scale of them is magnificent and the best part is that he paints them in situ, not from photos. Joins up lots of smaller canvases to make the big picture. The colour is sublime and well I just love everything about them. It is the joyfulness and freedom of the size that inspires me the most, lucky the MESSY STUDIO has a tall ceiling.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Oh my hat and garters, what I would have done to have been in the front row at MARC JACOB'S final LOUIS VUITTON show. The fountain, the lift, the carousel, the strange carpet that looked like it was made out of tumble dryer fluff. The peacock feather headdresses. I have envy on a scale used to measure earth quakes. I am in awe of the scale of construction and spectacle.
Images courtesy of STYLEITE, where you can watch the show too.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


The MESSY GATE is in, it has just been galvanised so is a wee bit shiny but will dull to a perfect grey once it has weathered a bit. Small Frog Dogs are now safe in their garden when there are visitors.

Monday, 14 October 2013


A little while ago I showed you the illustration I did, FINN THE FOX, so the trade winds blew in a little parcel on Friday, containing the many wonders of the world that is SKERMUNKIL. Thank you Marietjie, I love your stuff, it makes me happy when I wear it. It's Christmas soon and if you want to find that extra special present for a lovely, buy a beautifully crafted piece of modern design, support the makers! Buy an heirloom, buy something that lasts.