Thursday, 28 February 2013


One of my new fave magazines THE SIMPLE THINGS (I LOVE their cover layouts) Issue 04 had a wonderful article on a collector, Rob Higgins, whose obsession is Carter tiles of the 1950's and 1960's. Well he is a man genuis because these tiles are hawt! You can see how the world of design turns full circle over and over again. All the tiles pictured are at least 60 years old.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


I bought some new earrings yesterday from SMITH JEWELLERY stocked at MOOI. They are hexagon awesome, they are silver and they are flat. I heart them big time. They are by Anna Raimondo from her Geo-Metric range. She has a great blog too!

Monday, 25 February 2013


Went to THE WONDER MARKET yesterday for the first time for an alfresco breakfast meeting. It is set in such a beautiful modern park (Chris Saunders) next to Gateway. Well worth a visit. Bought some washi tape to add to my collection, 2 bottles of delicious cordial and a fabulous wheel of cheese. Swan snuck home another handmade toy, a very cute floral pant puppy with floppy ears. Work and play in one day.

Friday, 22 February 2013


I am going to be absent over the next week or so as I have a stack of work, please excuse me lovelies as I am drawing and painting and scanning and collaging and thinking and colouring and maybe sleeping and maybe eating.

Thursday, 21 February 2013


This was the R60 bag I bought a while ago as a quick fix when the strap of my previous bag broke while I was shopping. It's strap broke a while ago and is tied with a knot. I am bad to bags, I treat them rough, I shove them under the car seat about 10 times a day and then yank them out. I like really small bags but then treat them like they are giant Birkin's. I would like a black genuine leather across the body bag with a leather strap (not seatbelt fabric one) attached to the body of the bag with large, super strong, silver rings or clips. I love pockets with zips inside and out. I would love a small amount of edgy detail be it the embossed logo, some creative stitching or a stud or two. I am putting this out there because I know there's a blog that has done a post about awesome local crafter's making beautiful leather bags but I can't remember which one. Below are some bags that I am considering, boy am I hard to please.




Wednesday, 20 February 2013


Bought a new orchid yesterday, just from the SPAR, not super fancy but I love the colours. I usually go for plain white or white and purple so this is out the box. I am crazy about orchids, I think if I entered the crazy lady category it would be the crazy orchid lady rather than the crazy cat lady. I can just imagine them filling up our little bathroom completely, the air being all humid and swampy and maybe a few Koi in the bath tub.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Oooh I bought my first book on Kindle for my iPhone and feel like a traitor to the printed word, I am trying to console myself with thoughts of trees saved but still feel a little mucky. Well actually I read the first one already and downloaded the rest of the series. (ha) Once again I have to say that I am not a 14 year old masquerading as 40, it's just that I do love anything and everything fantasy related no matter the designated age profile. Plus Swan isn't old enough yet to be embarrassed by me reading the same books as her.
BEAUTIFUL CREATURES is like TWILIGHT but with the protagonists swopped around, Lena the bewitching Caster (very much the role played by Edward) and Ethan (boy Bella) have a star crossed or should I say moon shadowed love. Can't wait to see the movie, I am dying to see the costumes, Deep South sets and special effects.

Monday, 18 February 2013


Bought this little brass birdy from the SPCA shop in Kloof on Friday, to add to my collection. I think it has a wonderful SIELU LINTU shape and reminds me of all my favourite birds from SKINNY LAMINX and SANNA ANNUKKA. Have not managed to find much info on the interweb regarding brass animals other than that they are often mass produced, however they have such beautiful shape and form that I really don't care a jot! She joins the lovely bunny and soon to be three Impala from LULUSHOP.

Friday, 15 February 2013


I stumbled upon AGELESS PATTERNS while doing a Google and am so in love with the teeny tiny illustrations. Wish I knew more about the costume designer who created this website as I would love to see more of her drawings. Besides my obvious desire to have an entire wardrobe of folk art treasures, none of which would be practical in the heat of a Durban summer, I am drawn to the decorativeness of hand made vintage ware.

Thursday, 14 February 2013


This is my great grandfather (on my mothers side) Frank Godwin, outside his hairdressing Saloon in Newcastle, KZN. He was apprenticed at age 14 in 1895 by his own consent and that of his father George Godwin to William Whiley in the Parish of Newbury in the Coventry of Becks to learn his art. How awesome is this photo!  Sometimes in saying goodbye to a member of your family you get to remember their stories and the stories of those that went before them.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Took my Mom to MAKARANGA on Sunday after that massive morning storm. The gardens have so many different moods, when it's cooler the Camelias and Magnolias give everything a perfumed tea garden feel but right now they are at their primordial best. The water pools are muddy and the air is heavy, love the crazy variety of flowers and beasties.
p.s I am having a splendid time with Hipstamatic, these photos are taken with Buckhorst Hl on Ina's 1969.

Monday, 11 February 2013


FOXY LADY & WOLF MAN made their debut in the SUNDAY TIMES
Home Weekly Insert yesterday. They somehow managed to slip through the cracks in my blog posts so here they are today.
Archival prints on 200 gsm Innova 148 mm x 210 mm 
R380 each (excl. postage & packaging).  Available at VAMP or from me.

Friday, 8 February 2013



We are planning on using exposed copper pipes and brass taps for the Messy Studio bathroom so here is a bit of a vision board for the loveliness that will be.






Tuesday, 5 February 2013


We were spoilt to pieces yesterday firstly because we got to see my dear friend Debbie who has been away in Japan for the longest time AND because she brought us so many beautiful treats like Christmas and Birthday and Easter all rolled into one with cherries on the top and chocolate sauce. These vintage kokeshi, vintage Dynamo and Gloomies are just a tip of the iceberg.

Monday, 4 February 2013


So excited, the planter outside the Messy Studio has been built from reclaimed bricks, still needs a bit of a clean up but can't wait for it to be bursting with green stuff. It makes me happy and giddy!

Friday, 1 February 2013


Illustrator, designer and creator Simon Cook takes my love of New Geometry one step further in his über colourful world of STONE AND SPEAR. His work is a crazy combo of Pop Art, collage, Afrocentric pattern, with a heavy nod in the direction of The Memphis movement in terms of colour and composition,