Tuesday, 13 August 2013


I should have taken this photo yesterday afternoon but ran out of time, so had to shoot into the sun this morning. This is the background mosaic panel which will be behind the cement trough. We are having some letters and a symbol lazer cut, electroplated and powder coated in black, attached on raised pins.

Below is the design. The words are AQUA VITAE, ''water of vitality", which I hope will herald all kinds of creativity flowing out of the MESSY STUDIO. The symbol is the 'Carmague Cross' or cross of the cowherds, the emblem of the church of Saints Maries-des-la-mer (Mary's of the Sea), South of France. An anchor, cross and heart make up the emblem symbolising hope, faith & charity.

Grouting still needs to be cleaned. The other pics are of the door frame and doors which have been sealed with undercoat, can't wait for them to be installed.

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